Meet — K12

Club house of business class on the avenue im. legendary coach Evgeny Kucherevsky.

 K12 is a renovation project, creating a qualitatively new public space along Kucherevsky Boulevard.

We will transform the abandoned "unfinished" into a modern club-type residential complex, and the area around the residential complex - into a multifunctional eco-square, buried in flowers and greenery, with cozy themed recreation and leisure areas. Walking alley between Pushkin Avenue and st. Kherson, will become the "highlight" of the complex and a bright addition to the urban environment.

Today's understanding of "development" is not limited to site lines and the period from design to completion of construction. By implementing the project, we change the look and perception of the area, increase the level of comfort for its residents, add value to existing buildings and create an active point of the urban environment.

The well-coordinated work of DAYTONA GROUP professionals with the support of "12 players" - partners and investors - will ensure a decent result in the final.

We're in the game!